WearMask: Face Mask Detection


Tips: Fully cover your nose and mouth to prevent the virus.


How to get the best experience?

1. Launch the latest version of Chrome browser
2. Enter chrome://flags in the address bar and open it
3. Enable all WebAssembly features
4. Re-launch chrome, open this webpage, and allow the access to camera

The FPS depends on your device CPU. Only Safari can be used on iOS, and the detection FPS may be lower.

Privacy Statement

Don't worry. The face mask detection program runs completely in your browser, and no information will be saved or uploaded to the server. You can even disconnect the internet after the detection started.
You can also view the Service Statement.

Project Summary

Web-based efficient AI recognition of masks (WearMask) is a deep learning project. The model used is modified from Yolo-Fastest and trained based on the Pytorch framework. It runs in the browser through NCNN and WebAssembly.

All content has been open-sourced on Github. You can also visit arXiv and my blog for more details. If you also want to contribute to this project, please send the screenshot with incorrect results to this email, thank you!